Our Best Work.
Our recruiters bring industry expertise to every interview to ensure that we find the person who is the right fit for the job. To best serve our customers and candidates, we specialize in three key focus areas:
By focusing on our strengths, we are better able to understand each job opening. We use our industry knowledge to help clients reach their hiring goals and connect candidates with exciting new opportunities. Within each of our focus areas, we staff for all types of temporary and temp-to-hire roles. We also recruit for direct hire placements.
Whether you are a corporate office looking for a receptionist with excellent customer service skills, or an engineer looking for the perfect opportunity at a manufacturing company, we can help.
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How We Make An Impact
Impact Staffing has been a MAJOR part of our company’s success. I want to thank Impact for a job well done. Without Impact, we would not have succeeded.
After high school, I wanted to find a job that would be hands-on and technical, but didn’t require a lot of additional schooling. Impact helped me find a great option, just a few miles from my house. After three months as a temp, the company hired me and now I have been there over a […]
Impact helped me find my first job after graduating college. Without much work experience, it was difficult to get my foot in the door at a lot of companies, but they helped me find not just a job, but a career path.
I had a wonderful experience working with Impact Staffing. I have referred ex co-workers, family and friends to them. They looked at my resume and aligned me with the perfect job that fits my credentials. Thanks to the Impact Staffing team!
After 16 years of employment I was told I was getting laid off from my job. I went on several interviews on my own, and had no luck finding a job that offered me what I was looking for. That’s when I contacted Impact Staffing and they lined me up with an interview. Within 48 […]
Impact Staffing didn’t give up until they found a job for me. I’m so happy with my new position!
I must say that my new placement is one of the best places I have ever worked. It’s the people that make it so great. Everyone’s extremely nice and helpful. I’m so thankful that I get the opportunity to work with such awesome people. I know my recruiter was just doing her job, but I […]
Impact has been a great staffing company and resource for us for many years and we would definitely recommend their services. Staffing a call center is always a challenge, especially in a more specialized market, but Impact always knows the type of candidate to send us, which is a huge timesaver. They are always readily available […]
Impact is our “go-to” agency. Everyone is so nice to work with and they really take the time to understand our hiring needs.
Impact saves me time and money. Whether it is a short-term project or an executive level position, the team at Impact Staffing is the best I’ve experienced in matching my needs with candidates’ skills. They present the most qualified, polished, and professional candidates for all of our positions.
Impact Insights
From Seasonal to Superstar: Retaining the Best Talent Year-Round
In October 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported 179,600 manufacturing jobs in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Seasonal talent occupied many of
Mastering Compliance: Finding Experts in HACCP, GMP, and FSMA to Protect Your Brand
Compliance with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is essential for your
What the Latest Data Tells Us About Atlanta’s Manufacturing Workforce
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported 179,200 manufacturing jobs in the Atlanta, Sandy Springs, and Roswell, GA, economy in November 2024. The number